Proclamations, Commendations & Certificates of Recognition
We believe in Appleton as having a government that informs its citizens and encourages active and positive participation in support of the community. As a City, we strive to recognize and grow talent, promote an environment that is respectful and inclusive, encourage active community participation and involvement, and communicate our success through the stories of our residents. We invite you to share with us your culture and traditions, celebrations and achievements and special causes through our proclamations, commendations and certificates of recognition program.
Proclamations, Commendations & Certificates of Recognition Policy
This policy identifies the authority, criteria, and procedure for the recognition of individuals, groups, organizations, businesses, special periods of observances, special occasions, or the recommendation of community action through the issuance of proclamations, commendations, or certificates of recognition. It is intended to serve as a guiding document when evaluating various recognition requests. Nothing in this policy shall be construed or interpreted in a manner to create an obligation or duty of the Office of the Mayor or in any way diminish the discretion afforded to that office. All proclamations, commendations, and certificates of recognition are ceremonial documents.
The Office of the Mayor is responsible for preparing and issuing proclamations, commendations, and certificates of recognition.
Proclamations may be issued to honor or highlight a special period of observance (days, weeks, months), civic celebrations, recognitions of a community, regional, state, or national occasion, or to recommend community actions. Proclamations are made at the sole discretion of the Mayor in accordance with the following criteria:
1. The primary purpose of a proclamation is to give special recognition to issues, actions, and/or programs of significance to the residents of the City of Appleton.
2. Proclamations are issued to honor special periods of observance, civic celebrations, community, regional, state, or national occasions that cover issues of widespread community interest. Citizens may request or petition to have a proclamation issued, the Common Council may request one, or one may be issued at the Mayor’s discretion.
3. Only proclamations dealing with issues that have a connection to the City of Appleton will be considered.
Commendations may be issued to individuals, City employees, groups, organizations, or businesses for distinguished acts of service, heroism, or major achievements in, or for the people of, Appleton. Commendations are made at the sole discretion of the Mayor in accordance with the following criteria:
1. The qualifying acts or achievements must have a connection to the City of Appleton, though they are not required to have occurred within the city limits.
2. Commendations may be requested; requestors must provide documentation of the act(s) for which they are requesting a commendation.
Certificates of recognition may be issued to individuals, groups, organizations, or businesses with a connection to the City of Appleton for individual or group achievement, exceptional contributions to the Appleton community, milestones, or commemorative events or occasions. Certificates of recognition are issued at the sole discretion of the Mayor in accordance with the following criteria:
1. Certificates of recognition are used to acknowledge individual or group achievement, contributions to the community, or to recognize a commemorative event or occasion such as:
a. Individuals, community groups, or organizations whose volunteer efforts and/or philanthropic works have benefited the Appleton community;
b. Appleton students (public & private) for academic achievement at the local, regional, or national level;
c. Achievement of terminal degrees or special ranks/designations (Eagle Scout, Gold Award);
d. Individuals, community groups, or organizations for winning competitions;
e. Local organizations or businesses for commemorative events or occasions in Appleton such as ribbon cuttings or grand openings;
f. Wedding anniversaries of 50 or more years; or
g. Recognition of Appleton residents on the occasion of their 100th birthday.